legislation and regulation


Four-fifths of schools seeing increase in plate waste

The National School Boards Association reported Monday that 83.7 percent of school districts around the country have seen an increase in wasted school lunch food since a 2010 law was passed mandating new nutrition rules.


Does Canada need a national school food program

Sheedy, program manager at Food Secure Canada, said in a phone interview that the country faces "a health crisis that has a lot to do with food.

Guidelines instituted by the federal government have impacted what students at Salamanca and elsewhere can and can’t bring into the lunchroom.

Genetic engineering has sparked a heated food-related debate. Three countries—Benin, Serbia and Zambia—have banned GMOs (genetically modified organisms) outright.

Parents and students have complained that school lunches aren’t as filling as they used to be thanks to new federal guidelines. But administrators say students are still throwing food out.

Today the School Nutrition Association is Washington’s loudest and most public critic of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

Students at Highlands High School can get fries with their meal anytime they want after Fort Thomas Independent Schools dropped out of the federal meals program this year.

A new federal program that makes free breakfast and lunch available to all students, no questions asked, has been slow to catch on in Virginia.

Dozens of Berkshire businesses and institutions are among the 1,700 statewide being mandated to reduce, reuse and recycle their food waste.

Starting Sept. 22, much of the food and beverages sold at Associated Student (AS) Dining Services increased in price for the first time in four years.

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