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8 onsite food service directors on what they’re looking forward to in 20218 onsite food service directors on what they’re looking forward to in 2021
Dining directors from healthcare to senior dining to colleges discuss what they’re looking forward to this year.
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2020 was a wild ride for onsite foodservice. As a segment of the food service industry that continued to work and feed customers, these onsite dining directors faces challenges in serving people safely throughout the entire year—and they learned and adjusted.
By the end of the year, the entire industry had advanced at a quicker pace in areas likes technology and safety than it had in the past, with program including robots delivering food, contactless payment and more.
Now that the exhaustion is over, Food Management spoke with several directors about their onsite operations and what they’re looking forward to in 2021 and the answers run the gamut. Some directors are expanding next year while others are ready for a quiet year (fingers crossed).
There is hope for 2021 in the small things. Everyone Food Management spoke with had positive hopes for the year ranging from customers getting to eat together in dining spaces after a long absence to a vaccine reopening the world once again.
See what these onsite foodservice professionals are looking forward to for 2021.
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