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What's hot on menus for 2020?

Upgraded displays

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Upgraded displays
Photograph: Shutterstock

We are switching to a new compostable bowl with a clear dome lid, so entrees are easily identifiable to increase convenience. New items being offered [in K-12] include a customizable burrito bar and fresh salads.

—Matthew Hairgrove, Denver Public Schools

We've added grab-and-go shops at some of our [senior living] sites, and at others we have added a display or refrigerated case for prepared salads, sandwiches and entrees. The addition of POS and declining flex dollars have driven this demand, along with resident needs.

—John Andrews, Ohio Living

At the high school, we have developed a specific line dedicated to grab-and-go service, to which we've added bistro boxes, Asian noodle bowls, a variety of wraps and fresh fruits and vegetables.

—Anna Smith, Garland ISD

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