The Big Picture: Employees - Who are they?
According to The Big Picture research, women continue to make up the majority of employees in all market segments.
December 31, 2014
According to The Big Picture research, women continue to make up the majority of employees in all market segments. Overall, women outnumber men 74% to 26%, with the disparity being greatest in schools (92% vs. 8%) and least in B&I (51% to 49%).
However, the larger the foodservice facility the more likely it is that males will predominate. A significantly higher number of males work in locations with annual purchases of $1 million or more than in smaller locations (35% vs. 21%, respectively). Also, men are significantly more likely to work in contract-managed locations than in those that are self-operated (35% vs. 23%, respectively).
On average, staff skews older; 51% of staff overall are age 45 and older, with schools (66%) having the highest percentage of employees age 45 and above. Long-term care/senior living (62%) and colleges and universities (60%) the segments with the highest percentages of employees under the age of 45.
The majority of employees in the industry are Caucasian, at 63%, with 19% being African-American, 11% Latino/Hispanic, 5% Asian/Pacific and 2% Native American. The B&I market is the most ethnically diverse and the segment that hires the largest percentage of Latinos (22%). The highest percentage of African-Americans work in long-term care/senior living (27%), and schools have the least ethnically diverse staffs.
Employees looking for full-time work are most likely to find it in B&I, where 81% of staff are full-time; and hospitals, where 68% work 30 hours or more a week.
Finally, executive chefs are appearing on more organizational charts. Overall, 36% of operators said they have an executive chef on staff. In 2012, when this survey was last conducted, only 29% employed one. Colleges and universities (66%) are where chefs are most likely to be working, and schools (14%) are where you are leastÂ
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