Despite a healthy budget, Ohio district increasing lunch pricesDespite a healthy budget, Ohio district increasing lunch prices
Newark City Schools made the cost adjustment to align costs with the minimum National School Lunch Program standards. Starting next year, students will pay a dime a day more for their lunches at Newark City Schools.
March 18, 2014
NEWARK, Ohio—Starting next year, students will pay a dime a day more for their lunches at Newark City Schools.
That’s 50 cents extra a week, about $18 extra a school year and close to $220 extra over the course of a 12-year school career. (That’s assuming the cost doesn’t go up again, though it typically does by a nickel or dime each year.)
Ten cents might not seem like a big deal, but here’s the kicker: The district’s cafeteria doesn’t really need it. It has been operating in the black for a while, and the food-service fund is sitting on about $1.09 million.
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