An Edge in the Kitchen: The Ultimate Guide to Kitchen KnivesAn Edge in the Kitchen: The Ultimate Guide to Kitchen Knives
Tara Fitzpatrick
By Chad Ward
Published by William Morrow, June
2008, $34.95
Whether you know a little something about your cutlery, or your knowledge of knives begins and ends with ‘watch your fingers!’ An Edge in the Kitchen has enough basic and more advanced information and instruction to sharpen up your skills.
Great photos take you through step-by-step slicing, juliennes, and more. Along with the easy-to-follow instructions, author Chad Ward, who has a pleasantly witty tone, cuts through many knife myths, like the forged vs. stamped myth.
Ward also deciphers different types of knives — what's essential to every chef and what's just fluff — and which materials you should look for or avoid. There are good knives to be had for all budgets, according to Ward, so don't think that you have to be ready for a major commitment. Knowing how to shop for knives can help ease confusion.
There are sections on knife safety and etiquette (how to hand a knife to someone else in the kitchen, how to automatically set down your knife when you are interrupted), and recipes that allow you test your new skills. There is also a section on cutting board cleaning and maintenance.
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