School Paper Tabulates "Missed Meals" at Texas A&M
Almost a quarter of the $11.8 million spent on meal plan purchases went unused in the fall semester, according to a Eagle analysis.
February 24, 2014
Nearly a quarter of meals purchased on meal plans went unused at the end of the fall semester at Texas A&M University, according to an analysis done by the school's The Eagle campus paper. Data obtained by the paper shows $11.8 million in fall meal plan purchases, of which $2.7 million went unused at semester's end. Texas A&M requires the 7,650 freshmen and sophomores living on campus to purchase a meal plan. The dining operation at Texas A&M is managed by Chartwells, which won the contract for the formerly self-operated service in 2012 and began operating at the school at the beginning of the 2013-14 school year.
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