The Big Idea: Greening Up the Place
May 1, 2008
Here is the Green the Capitol scorecard for Spring 2008
Purchased carbon offsets to mitigate 30,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases
Initiated a design to relight the Capitol Dome with energy-efficient lighting
Reduced cooling fan run times by 14%
Activated economizers on air-conditioners, cutting energy use by up to 20%
Replaced 84 energy-inefficient vending machines with Energy Star equivalents
Identified pressure reduction opportunities for the House steam distribution system, saving 2-3% of heating energy use
Eliminated all styrofoam and plastic items in all House foodservice operations
Replaced all foodservice disposables with 100% compostable items
Installed food pulpers in the House foodservice operations to remove water, making waste 70% lighter and 100% compostable
Established agreement to compost foodservice waste with the Dept. of Agriculture, ultimately reducing the waste stream of more than 50%
Ensured House food offerings are organic and locally grown within a 150-mile radius whenever possible
Required only Fair Trade coffee to be sold in all House restaurants
Directed that only 100% post-consumer recycled paper be sold in the House Office Supply Store, saving 29,400 grown trees
Mandated that all new carpets must be low VOC (volatile organic com pounds) and installed using low VOC glues
Encouraged purchase of Energy Star compliant or equivalent equipment by member offices with updated “2007 House Standard for New Acquisitions
Held the House's first Green Expo, attended by more than 1,500 employees, designed to raise awareness about green transportation options, including 19 alternate fuel vehicles
Partnered with Zipcar to provide car-sharing services with four onsite hybrid cars
Developed a Green Team program for House employees
Established a pilot for the Smart Benefit program with DC public transit
Purchasing renewable wind power for 100% of electricity use
Switching from using coal to natural gas in the Capitol Power Plant for House operations
Installing comprehensive metering system to track and report building energy use
Installing 30,000 energy-efficient Compact Flourescent Lightbulbs
Evaluating more than 700 pieces of foodservice equipment and developing strategies to deploy new energy-efficient technologies in all House food operations
Switching to green cleaning products and techniques for carpets, offices, and public spaces, creating a healthier work environment
Increasing electronic distribution of reports and improving archiving requirements to decrease the amount of paper generated
Promoting computer power conservation efforts, including a consolidated server environment for Windows-based applications that will use 65% less power
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