OSU Opponent-Themed Gelatos a Success
September 27, 2010
The Espress-OH in the Ohio Union of the Ohio State University has boosted sales of its gelatos by offering them in the color combination of each weekly football opponent and asking OSU students to "take a bite out of the opponent," reports the school's Lantern campus paper. The homemade gelato flavors for each successive Friday during football season have so far included We Are Marshall mint for Marshall University, orange for the University of Miami (FL), Paw Paw Fruit for Ohio University and Eagle Apple Pie for Eastern Michigan University.
The themed gelatos, which sell for $3.69 a scoop, are nevertheless all trumped by the favorite flavor, Buckeye Bonanza. The Espress-OH staff works with students and alumni at each opposing university to develop the flavor for each week.
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