Mushroom Veggie BurgerMushroom Veggie Burger
A nice presentation for popular veggie burgers. The guacamole, mushrooms and cheese add just the right touch. Served on a whole wheat bun with lettuce and...
- american
- Dinner
- Sandwich
- Mushrooms
- Bread
A nice presentation for popular veggie burgers. The guacamole, mushrooms and cheese add just the right touch. Served on a whole wheat bun with lettuce and tomatoes.
8 soy protein, or other vegetarian patties
8 oz. prepared guacamole
1 lb. portobello mushrooms, cleaned, sliced, and sautéed
8 slices cheddar cheese
8 honey-whole wheat buns, split and grilled or toasted
Lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise, for garnish
Cook patties according to package instructions.
To serve , top patties with guacamole, sautéed mushrooms, and cheddar cheese. Broil briefly to melt cheese, and serve on a honey-whole wheat bun, with lettuce, tomato, and mayo.
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