K-12 Schools

Steal This Idea

Wellness Week

We are kicking off a Wellness Week with six new entrées. The goal is to jump-start the transition to entrées with tasty, low-fat ingredients, legumes, vegetables and non-processed protein. One new entrées on Thank a Farmer Thursday is


FSD talks with the USDA’s Janey Thornton about the state of school foodservice programs

FSD talked with Dr. Janey Thornton, USDA deputy undersecretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services, about the HealthierUS School Challenge and Chefs Move to Schools to find out what the undersecretary has learned during her past two years on the job

In April Seaholm High School, part of Birmingham Public Schools in Michigan, started a gluten-free menu pilot. FSD talked with Samantha Mozdzierz, district dietitian with Sodexo, which manages the account, about the pilot.

Brent Craig doesn’t buy into the notion that ignorance is bliss. Instead, he thinks that’s precisely where school nutrition programs have gone astray.

According to a new NPD Report entitled “Consumers Define Healthy Eating When They Go Out To Eat,” consumers are finally recognizing the industry’s efforts to promote healthy eating, but they aren’t willing to pay more for healthy options.

Speaking about child nutrition reauthorization last year, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack said one of his main priorities was to increase student access to school meals on non-school days, especially during the summer months. The U.S. Department of A

Independent School District of Boise City's Katie Chadband's eagerness to learn the technical skills of menu planning, marketing and budgeting were complemented by her natural ability to provide coaching and guidance to staff. Katie is extremely c

From the early 1900s, when Louis Diat, head chef at New York’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel, invented vichyssoise by combining potatoes, leeks and onions with cream, diners have enjoyed a growing repertoire of soups that bring refreshment in hot weather.

Two events of note occurred last week in San Antonio, Texas, both revolving around school foodservice. The Culinary Institute of America, in collaboration with the National Restaurant Association, staged “Healthy Flavors, Healthy Kids,” a three-day event billed as a National Invitational Leadership Summit.

Karen Green, school nutrition director at Thomas County Schools, Thomasville, Ga., shows her Southern pride with her love of grits and Paula Deen.

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