Peter Romeo

Editor at Large

Articles by
Peter Romeo

Page 6

OSHA officially shelves Biden administration's employee vaccine mandate

The emergency requirement was technically reduced to a proposed rule, meaning it still could be adopted, but only through the usual prolonged process.


Supreme Court blocks Biden administration's employee vaccine mandate

The matter isn't settled because of pending deliberations at the circuit-court level, but the nation's highest court said it anticipates the requirement to be shot down.

The distributor says 35% of its big-rig fleet in the U.S. will be powered by electricity by 2030.

On one front, industry groups and state attorneys general are suing to block the measure, while on another, unions are suing to broaden the scope to smaller businesses.

Foodservice operators and other large employers have until Jan. 4 to get their workers vaccinated, while employees who refuse will have to wear masks at work starting in December.

Foodservice operators and other employers can deny the exceptions in instances of "undue burden."

The whole red, yellow and white onions were distributed to stores and foodservice establishments in the U.S. by ProSource, the CDC said.

No other industry came near that level of voluntary departures, government statistics show.

In a speech saluting employers who've voluntarily required COVID-19 vaccinations, the president said his administration is close to having the specifics of compliance spelled out.

The infection has now sickened 419 consumers in 35 states.

In asking travelers about their preferences, Marriott discovered that 72% are comfortable again with serving themselves from a buffet.

The rules will seek to protect back-of-house workers when temperatures soar to extreme heights.

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