Healthcare Spotlight


Jessica Iery, CDM

Jessica Iery, dietary supervisor at Avera Prince of Peace Retirement Community in Sioux Falls, S.D., has made an impact on foodservice by bringing with her a positive attitude, computer skills and a willingness to embrace change.


UCLA hospitals begin using antibiotic-free meat

UCLA hospitals is now serving antibiotic-free chicken breasts and ground beef.

Mennonite Home Care Campus, in Lancaster, Pa., recently completed a more than $2 million kitchen renovation.

Henry Ford Health System has cut seven tons of fat from food and increased fruit and vegetable purchases by 10% annually in an effort to offer patients more healthy food choices.

When a media report slamming the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics for the amount of pre-consumer food waste it generates came out in late 2012, Food and Nutrition Services Director Joan Dolezal knew she couldn’t ignore it.

Certain places have reputations for serving bad food. Places where you’re stuck with few options under cramped conditions. Airplanes. Jails. And, of course, hospitals.

Randy Sparrow, system director, food & nutrition services and environmental services for Pro Health Care, in Waukesha, Wis., has been voted president-elect of the Association for Healthcare Foodservice (AHF).

I teamed up with our marketing and wellness departments to create a blog on Baptist Health’s website.

New state law will require large institutions to recycle food waste.

We use SurveyMonkey for customer research. You can find out what your customers like and don’t like about your menus and what they would like to see.

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