legislation and regulation


Oregon schools already comply with proposed federal guidelines on food marketing

The White House proposed new rules Tuesday to limit how schools are allowed to market sugary drinks and junk food to students during school hours and school-related activities.


School food marketing sees changes from new rules

A school is no longer a place for selling cupcakes and soda.

New state law will require large institutions to recycle food waste.

Over the past two years the USDA has implemented strict guidelines in an effort to make school lunches more healthy, and they are about to get more strict.

Polk County parents were apoplectic last year when they discovered that the school district had been scanning student irises without parent permission.

Sodium was top of mind at the School Nutrition Association’s SNIC conference last week.

School foodservice directors and staff, stand up and take a bow. Charged with making groundbreaking changes to the National School Lunch Program, and tackling the job under challenging circumstance, you are helping to make history. You are on the front li

We've all heard about how hospital operators think the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will affect hospital foodservice, but no one is really mentioning the role long-term care facilities will play in the equation. For a recap: Under ACA hospitals are tas

I received an interesting email yesterday morning from Julie Gunlock, director of the Women for Food Freedom Project at the Independent Women’s Forum. She was promoting an opinion piece she had written for the Los Angeles Times. Although she asked for nothing, I suppose she was looking for a secondary outlet for her message.

In July more than 6,300 school nutrition professionals gathered in Denver for the 66th Annual National Conference of the School Nutrition Association. FSD was on hand for the conference, where the hot topic was the new USDA meal pattern regulations, which

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