College and university


Chartwells Higher Ed's latest program aims to make freshmen feel welcome on campus

First Year Eats provides freshmen with monthly events centered around making lasting, memorable connections.


Pennsylvania colleges receive $1M in grant funding to tackle student hunger

Thirty schools in the state will be able to utilize the funds awarded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to fight food insecurity on campus.

Innovation Table features a new recipe once a month that is not offered on the regular menu cycle.

The student-run farm helps promote the university’s sustainability mission through climate smart practices, research opportunities and event support.

Aramark’s college sites featured Friendsgiving and Exam Cram events as a part of the new program.

Locally Sourced: Carrots sourced from the school’s hydroponic freight farm are utilized three different ways in the dish.

The Sodexo dining team participated in the school’s First Generation College Students Week last month.

The pop-ups are part of a new initiative launched by the the school’s foodservice provider, Sodexo.

Dining services at Texas Christian University held a gingerbread cookie decorating event where students were invited to decorate and enjoy as many cookies as they wanted.

The school is partnering with the Humane Society of the United States to help them reach their goal.

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